Care vacancies in Barnsley

Small enough to care, but big enough to deliver best quality care.

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If you’re looking for care vacancies in Barnsley or across South Yorkshire, then contact Pearl Home Care Ltd today and find out about our opportunities.


We aim to retain our staff and offer training for the Care Certificate and further opportunities for training and development. We currently get our work through the South Yorkshire Spot Contract and private clients in the local community.We have six regular employees and agency staff that help support our services. We use Mobizio Care Planner software for employee and service user monitoring which we will be using as well to monitor our migrant staff.

We currently supply around 350 hours per month.

Pearl Home Care Ltd has been using marketing strategies such as the local council on the Live Well Barnsley Website. We are currently making Flyers to advertise our Domiciliary care business to potential clients and a new website. In addition, we are registered with the Local Council as Spot providers and private clients. We rely on feedback from our clients and partners to learn, develop and implement better ways of working.

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For trained care home staff and in home care professionals, contact us today

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